"The most superior among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Quran and teach to others."( Bukhari, 5027).
            Online Learning Quran is a website that offers Islamic education to kids, adults and new Muslims who don't have enough resources from the country they are living in. You are welcome to register and choose your desired courses according to your time and location with the help of a knowledgeable male and female tutors. Our courses will benefit kids and adults in their life and in the akhirah by the mercy of Allah سبحانہ وتعالی. Through our courses, you will see the difference in your children their improvements in Islamic knowledge and Qur'an reading. We are giving you a guarantee that your kids will be closely monitored and evaluated in reading the Quran and getting to know more about Allah سبحانہ وتعالی, His religion (Islam)and His prophet Mohammad (S.A.W).  Through Online Learning Quran, we are sharing the knowledge we have gained which pleases our Creator.

           Qur'an is the speech of Allah سبحانہ وتعالی, and learning it by heart has tremendous effects and bountiful benefits on our lives in every way. 

           Allaسبحانہ وتعالی said: "I have made it easy for my worshipers to read the Quran and live their lives according to it". (Al-Qamar, vers: 17.)



  1.  An International online Quran Academy. 
  2.  One on one live Quran class.
  3.  Fees are paid according to your needs.
  4.  Vital Islamic Teaching for kids and new Muslims from age of 4 to 70. 
  5.  Exceedingly prepared and qualified Quran instructors. 
  6.  Friendly and expert Quran tutors will be accessible at your own home.
  7.  Monthly evaluation for every student through written and oral exams.
  8.  No haul contracts.
  9.  Monthly renewal of the subscription.
  10.  Offers Qur'an memorization and  Tajweed courses.
  11.  Offers courses for new Muslims (eg. read the Qur'an and it's meaning, fundamentals of Islamic knowledge).
  12.  Online classes are scheduled according to your preferences.


  1. Perusing and reflecting over the Quran satisfies an Islamic obligation 
  2. Your status in this life and the hereafter will be raised. Al-Tirmidhi (2914) and Abu Dawood (1464) narrated from ‘Abdallah ibn ‘Amr that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “It will be said to the companion of the Qur'an: Recite and rise in status, recite as you used to recite in the world, for your status will be at the last verse that you recite.” 
  3. There are ten rewards for each letter you read from the Quran.
  4.  Increases your Iman and makes you closer to The Creator.
  5.  The Quran will be the witness for us on the Day of Judgment. Muslim (804) narrated that Abu Umaamah al-Baahili said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “Read the Qur'an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection interceding for its companions.” 
  6.  The Quran will lead you to Paradise by His Will and Mercy. Ibn Hibbaan narrated in his Saheeh (124) from Jaabir that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Qur’an is an intercessor whose intercession will be accepted and an opponent whose testimony will be accepted. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise, and whoever puts it behind his back, it will drive him to Hell.” 
  7.  Learn the language of the Qur'an with its Arabic alphabets and their articulations.
  8.  Be able to read the Quran with correct Tajweed rules and Tarteel.